Irene Bedard-Pocohantas

Irene Bedard as Pocahontas: Irene Bedard is most commonly known for her role as the voice of Pocahontas in the 1995 animated film. Irene has played the character of Native Americans in many other films. She can be seen in the films; “Into the West,” “Tree of Life” and “Smoke Signals.” She is an award-winning actress, whose voice is heard by millions. Her role as a Native American in these films cause her to be a very influential person, with an opinion towards Native American culture and identity, and sensitivity towards it. For instance she spoke up about Trumps comments towards U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren. Trump began to target Elizabeth Warren during his campaign by calling her Pocahontas. This was because in the past Warren had stated that she had American Indian heritage on application forms when she was seeking employment in academia. Trump mockingly and repetitively called her “that fake Indian” and Pocahontas. These comments brought anger to Natives because of his ton...