Western Research; Dodge City
Dodge City Kansas
Dodge city Kansas in 1875 |
Dodge City Times
"Dodge City Times" was a weekly newspaper. The first issue of the paper was published on May 20, 1876. A copy of the Times was received every Saturday by subscribers, until February 1881 when it was published every Thursday and then changing to Fridays beginning in May 1890. Readership extended beyond Ford County into the unsettled, frontier regions of southwest Kansas. During the years 1880-85, 720 circulated in a county of fewer than 3,500 people. The number of pages in each issue altered between about four and ten, but the Times expanded from four to eight columns by November 1888.Many political issues were discussed in the "Dodge City Times". In this particular paper published on March 17, 1887 things such as the "Temperance Bill" passed by the legislature are included. There is also an article in the paper titled "What voters can do", and subtitled "An Address to the Women of Kansas" which somewhat discussed the rights of women at the time. It also discussed women in the city's new right to vote and how they should put this new "power to use". Many other topics of political issues were discussed but these two stood out to me the most.
In this newspaper the ads grabbed my attention. The ads interested me because the products are similar to what we use today, but less advanced. For example "Coussens Honey of Tar" was used to cure throat and lung disease, today we use medicines such as cough drops cough syrup.
The article also talks about scandals with buying and selling land, and disputes that come with it.
This newspaper is very useful in learning about the city of dodge, because it includes details and descriptions of what was going on in the time, products being sold, and advancements in the government. But similar to our news today it often includes opinions that one must be careful of noticing both sides to news being explained.
Dodge City Times
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